We meet in person for services at the Sanctuary at the Jubilee Community Center at 10:30 a.m. The service is streamed on Facebook.

It’s located at 432 South Goldthwaite Street, Montgomery, AL 36104.

The Chalice Café follows the 10:30 service. Coffee and tea are available! Second hour follows the Café at noon.

Topic for Sunday, February 9

Lynette Morse will be providing music on February 9 and the speaker will be author, UCC pastor, and anti-racism educator, Rev. Melanie Morrison, Ph.D., speaking on “Why We Must Remember: A Descendant’s Reckoning With Her Enslaving Ancestors.” The Second Hour will continue the discussion with Rev. Morrison.

Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. in person or live on Facebook

Second Hour Discussion at noon in person and live on Zoom

Minister’s office hours (see calendar for dates/times on Wed-Thu-Fri)

From the UUA Commission on Institutional Change (download PDF): Widening the Circle of Concern

You are welcome here.

No matter your religious beliefs or lack of belief, you are welcome here.

No matter your age, race, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity, you are welcome here.

No matter your citizenship, politics or relationship status, no matter your physical characteristics or health, you are welcome here.

Whoever you are, wherever you are from, for whatever reason you come, you are welcome in this place.


432 South Goldthwaite Street
Montgomery, AL 36104


Sunday Morning: 10:30 a.m.
Second Hour: Noon


P.O. Box 3794
Montgomery, AL 36109

We believe in love and marriage for everyone.

If you are seeking an officiant for your wedding, we would like to help. Use our Contact form.

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Practicing Love • Doing Justice • Building Community